Reparative Justice V: Challenges in Engaging, Interviewing and Supporting Victims/Survivors/Witnesses of Torture (Webinar)
Reparative Justice V: Challenges in Engaging, Interviewing and Supporting Victims/Survivors/Witnesses of Torture
Wednesday, June 26, 2024, 1:00-2:30PM EDT / 10:00-11:30AM PDT / 11:00AM-12:30PM MDT / 12:00-1:30PM CDT / 6:00-7:30PM BST & CMT / 7:00-8:30PM CEST / 8:00-9:30PM EET & IDT
Held on the International Day of Supporting Victims of Torture, today’s webinar focuses specifically on international attempts at protecting and healing both torture victim/survivors and professionals and others working with/for them from potential re/traumatization from sharing the lifelong and intergenerational legacies of their traumatic experiences. Continuing the International Center for MultiGenerational Legacies of Trauma webinar series on Reparative Justice, today’s webinar follows Reparative Justice I: a conceptual introduction to reparative justice, II. key groups of traumatized victims, III. Difficulties in listening and hearing traumatized victim/survivors/witnesses, and IV: Challenges in engaging, interviewing and supporting child victims of war and terror, all answering the call for specialized training in reparative justice for professionals and others working with them. Participants are urged to view the four earlier webinars of this series prior to attending this one.
Register for the webinar here.